How To Use the Easy Climber Elevator

The Easy Climber Elevator works very much like elevators you’ve used in shopping malls, airports, office buildings and apartment buildings. Read more about how using the Easy Climber Elevator is convenient and easy.

If you’re on one floor and your elevator is on another, no problem: Simply press and hold the call button on the wall, and it will be on its way. Then slide the gliding door open and step inside. You’ll notice the non-skid surfaces on the entrance and cab floors; those are there for your safety. Slide the door closed, lock it and press and hold the button until you reach your desired floor. The elevator stops moving as soon as you release the button, or when the cab reaches its destination. Wondering about all the components? Learn how to use all the Easy Climber Elevator below.

How the Battery is Used

There is no need to worry about recharging the batteries that operate your elevator. There are charging stations on both floors. There’s also a built-in feature that converts gravity into kinetic energy, charging the battery during the cab’s descent. If the power goes out in your area, you’ll still be able to use the elevator about 10 times up or down. If you anticipate the electricity being down for more than several hours, we recommend that you turn off the reset switch between trips; this will maximize your battery’s life.

How to Use the Door

Unlike most elevators, Easy Climber is equipped with a gliding door, which is safer and more attractive. The door is equipped with a safety switch. If the door is not fully closed and locked, the safety switch prevents the cab from moving.

How to use the Elevator Buttons

The elevator has a set of controls on the walls at each landing and inside the cab. Whether operating the controls on the wall or from inside the cab, the process is the same: Simply press and hold the call buttons to move the elevator. As soon as you release pressure, the cab stops moving. This is a safety feature that is required by law for any home elevator.

These are the buttons and switches on the inside control panel:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Emergency stop and alarm
  • Key lockout switch (prevents unauthorized use)
  • Status indicator light (green means “all systems normal”)
  • Light switch (turns on the cabs interior LED light)

Once you learn how to use the Easy Climber Elevator, you can see that it operates much like any elevator

Troubleshooting the Easy Climber Elevator

Inside the cab, you’ll see a status indicator light, which should always be green. Green means “all systems go.” While not anticipated, there are other indicators to help you troubleshoot. If the light is amber (yellow) or red, the unit won’t operate. In most cases, the amber light’s sequencing will identify what is wrong:

  • 2 amber flashes: The cab door is open.
  • 3 amber flashes: Something is obstructing the hatch cover on the top floor.
  • 4 amber flashes: Something beneath the cab is obstructing the path.
  • Blinking amber: The charger is not working correctly.
  • Solid amber and rapid beeps: Overload; the system will automatically reset in 30 seconds.
  • Red flashes: Call our customer care center toll-free at 877.287.1961.